Use of automated video surveillance at a school in Vienna

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Use of automated video surveillance at a school in Vienna
Excluded from graph ,|value|value}}
Deployment Status Concluded
Deployment Start Date
Deployment End Date
Events * uses Record type Property:Has event

Start (22 December 2009, Speculative, , Press release stating that smart surveillance is being used for the first time at schools in Vienna outside of school hours.)

City ,|x|x}}
Country Austria
Involved Entities ,|x|x}}
Keywords ,|x|x}}
Technology Deployed ,|x|x}}
Information Certainty Speculative
Primary sources ,|x|1}}
Datasets Used ,|x|x}}
Deployment Type ,|x|x}}
runs search software ,|x|x}}
managed by ,|x|x}}
used by ,|x|x}}
Potentially used by
Information Certainty 0
Summary 0

Deployment Purpose: Surveillance


Products and Institutions:

Product DeployedUnknown Products 0001
InstitutionsKiwiSecurity Software
DatasetsUnknown Dataset 0009
Search software

Status and Events:

EventsStart (22 December 2009, Speculative, , Press release stating that smart surveillance is being used for the first time at schools in Vienna outside of school hours.)
Start Date
End Date


Involved Entities
Managed byKiwiSecurity Software
Used byWiener Stadtschulrat


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Description[ ]

KiwiSecurity, der Experte wenn es um die schnelle Analyse von Videomaterial geht, und der Systemintegrator SecurityAccess stellen in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Wiener Stadtschulrat erstmalig den Einsatz automatischer Videoüberwachung an einer österreichischen Schule vor. 2

In a press release from 2009, KiwiSecurity states that they have for the first time used automated video surveillance technology at schools in Vienna outside of school hours, in order to prevent break-ins and destruction


  1. a b  "Wiener Stadtschulrat setzt erstmalig intelligentes Videoüberwachungssystem ein". (2009) <> Accessed: 2022-05-18