How to contribute III: Finding Information

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Disclaimer: This page is by no means exhaustive and just meant to give some inspiration and a starting point for your own research.

This page will describe possible resources where to find information about deployments. Also make sure to read the pages How to contribute: Getting Started, How to contribute I: Wiki and References, How to contribute II: Creating a New Deployment in the Wiki.

What is a deployment?[edit | ]

Deployments are the main entry we are concerned about. Deployment are all instances in which security vision technology is used. The deployments we are concerned about mainly are deployments in both public spaces such as train stations, and private spaces accessible by the public, such as malls. Please also refer to the glossary for information about specific terms.

Where to find information about deployments[edit | ]

News Articles[edit | ]

  • A good starting point is to look for news articles that are concerned about biometric recognition/surveillance/identification. Additionally, it is also useful to search for terms like "Smart City" or "Smart Cameras" etc. because these types of projects often invovle biometric surveillance technologies.
  • Investigative journalists often are the first ones to unveil biometric surveillance programmes, for exampe when a list of customers of Clearview AI was leaked.
  • Additionally, regional publications sometimes have more detailled information about small deployments in minor cities.
  • Another good source of information are tech-news sites, that are specifically concerned with news about technological developments. Sometimes there are also news sites that are specifically concerned about the intersection of technology and privacy.
  • Of course it is important that the source is not a "Fake News" site.

NGOs[edit | ]

  • NGOs concerned about the privacy of citizens are also often a good resource to find information about certain deployments.
  • There are international NGOs such as Privacy International or Algorithm Watch that have information about a number of countries, however, their information is often not much in-depth.
  • There are also country specific NGOs that often have more detailled information about certain deployments that internationa NGOs.
  • To find international NGOs, a number of them are listed here and here. Of course these lists are not exhaustive and will probably not include the country that you are concerend with.

Parties / Parliamentary Enquires[edit | ]

  • Parties that have the protection of privacy in their programme are often good information sources about deployments in the respective countries.
  • These parties are often the Liberals/Greens/Left party of a country
  • On their websites they often publish reports about deployments
  • Additionally, parties have the ability to make parliamentary enquiers into where and to what extend biometric identification is done in the country

Privacy Commissioners[edit | ]

  • Some countries have comissioners in place for the protection of privacy
  • These comissioners publish reports into deployments and whether or not they are lawful.
  • Looking at these reports can give deep insights into the deployments within countries

Company Websites[edit | ]

  • Companies that develop products that are used for biometric surveillance often have information about deployments available on their website.
  • For example, Advertima published on their website the usage of "smart displays" with the ability for facial recognition in Suisse supermarkets and furniture chains.

Academic Research[edit | ]

  • Naturally, there is a growing number of papers being written about the usage of biometric surveillance technology.
  • Looking at recently published papers can reveal deployments previously unknown.

Existent Maps[edit | ]

  • There might be already an effort being made to map deployments of remote biometric identification.
  • It is important to qualify the data on those maps.