AABIS (Afghanistan)

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AABIS (Afghanistan)
"Global" Information Certainty Documented
Events * uses Record type Property:Has event

Start (1 January 2009, Documented, , No description)

Dataset Category ,|x|x}}
Keywords ,|x|x}}
Related Technology ,|x|x}}
Owning institution ,|x|x}}
Custodian institution ,|x|x}}
Custodian institution ,|x|x}}
has funding
has images
has individuals
runs database software ,|x|x}}
runs search software ,|x|x}}
Dataset full name Afghan Automated Biometric Identification System (AABIS)
Dataset Category ,|x|x}}
Country Afghanistan

Type: Civilian Registry

Technical information:

Full nameAfghan Automated Biometric Identification System (AABIS)
ContentsFacial Images
Iris Scans
Runs database software
URL"URL" is a type and predefined property provided by Semantic MediaWiki to represent URI/URL values.
Related Technology

Developers and Users:

Developed byGovernment of Afghanistan
Owning institutionThe Taliban
Custodian institutionThe Taliban

Description[edit | ]

established in late 2009 to keep criminal suspects and Taliban members from infiltrating the army and police force, the Afghan Automated Biometric Identification System (AABIS), run by the Afghan government, holds the biometrics (iris scan, fingerprints, and photograph) of former Afghan military and police members. 1


  1. ^  "New Evidence that Biometric Data Systems Imperil Afghans". (2022) <https://www.hrw.org/news/2022/03/30/new-evidence-biometric-data-systems-imperil-afghans> Accessed: 2022-12-11