AI cameras for train station surveillance in Schlieren

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AI cameras for train station surveillance in Schlieren
Excluded from graph ,|value|value}}
Deployment Status Ongoing
Deployment Start Date
Deployment End Date
Events * uses Record type Property:Has event

Start (26 January 2022, Documented, , No description)

City ,|x|x}}
Country Switzerland
Involved Entities ,|x|x}}
Keywords ,|x|x}}
Technology Deployed ,|x|x}}
Information Certainty Documented
Primary sources ,|x|1}}
Datasets Used ,|x|x}}
Deployment Type ,|x|x}}
runs search software ,|x|x}}
managed by ,|x|x}}
used by ,|x|x}}
Potentially used by
Information Certainty 0
Summary 0

Deployment Purpose: Surveillance



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Description[ ]

Wer zum Denner beim Bahnhof Schlieren geht, wird neuerdings gefilmt. Hoch über dem Platz thront ein Kameramast. Das Videoüberwachungssystem «LivEye ONE & ONE+ 230V», bestehend aus drei Kameras und präventiver Umfeldbeleuchtung, bietet gemäss Hersteller «modernste Überwachungstechnik für den Überblick von oben». Im Alarmfall überblicke das Gerät die vollen 360 Grad bei einem Radius von bis zu 200 Metern. 2

LivEye® ONE & ONE+ 230V are our proven monitoring systems. With a mast height of up to six meters and a narrow stand area of 1 x 1 m, it offers state-of-the-art monitoring technology in a small space providing an overview from above. Only a permanent 230 volt power supply is necessary to ensure intelligent monitoring using the LivEye® analysis software (AI). It can easily distinguish between people, animals, vehicles and recurring movements and thus reduces the error rate to a minimum. 3


  1. a b  "Beim Bahnhof Schlieren steht eine neue Videoüberwachungsanlage". (2022) <> Accessed: 2022-05-19
  2. ^  "LivEye® ONE & ONE+ 230V". (2022) <> Accessed: 2022-05-19