2021 "Sharp Eyes project" improvement construction projects in Wenzhou, Zhejiang

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2021 "Sharp Eyes project" improvement construction projects in Wenzhou, Zhejiang
Excluded from graph
Deployment Status Ongoing
Deployment Start Date
Deployment End Date
Events * uses Record type Property:Has event

Start (16 February 2022, Documented, ?, No description)

City Wenzhou
Country China
Involved Entities
Technology Deployed
Information Certainty Documented
Primary sources 1
Datasets Used
Deployment Type Surveillance, Traffic Surveillance
runs search software
managed by Wenzhou Public Security Bureau
used by Wenzhou Public Security Bureau
Potentially used by
Information Certainty 0
Summary From government public bidding documents. This project consists of six parts, including the traffic main road and the Asian Games-related surveillance security construction.

Deployment Purpose: Surveillance, Traffic Surveillance

From government public bidding documents. This project consists of six parts, including the traffic main road and the Asian Games-related surveillance security construction.

Products and Institutions:

Product Deployed
Search software

Status and Events:

EventsStart (16 February 2022, Documented, ?, No description)
Start Date
End Date


Involved Entities
Managed byWenzhou Public Security Bureau
Used byWenzhou Public Security Bureau


Country China
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Description[ ]


  1. ^  "温州历程招标有限公司关于温州市公安局温州市本级2021年“雪亮工程”提升建设项目的中标(成交)结果公告". (2022) <http://www.ccgp.gov.cn/cggg/dfgg/zbgg/202202/t20220216_17597700.htm> Accessed: 2022-12-20