Cyan Bae and Ruben van de Ven participated in the Early Career Researchers Workshop at the EISA PEC in Athens, which was organised by Josh Walmsley and Liam McVay (Kings College London). Anna Leander (Geneva Graduate Institute) was providing valuable contributions to the discussion as senior academic participant.
Cyan Bae and Ruben van de Ven presented their work on diagramming as a means to explore the con-figurations of security vision.
Other participants to the workshop:
• Pedro Dos Santos Maia (Geneva Graduate Institute
• Dr. Alvina Hoffmann (Queen Mary University)
• Dr. Esra Elif Nartok (Karadeniz Technical University)
• Dr. Kiran Phull (King’s College London)
• Vanessa Ugolini (University of Trento)
• Dr. Lilly Pijnenburg Muller (Cornell University)