On Thursday 15 June, Cyan Bae presents her work in progress at the Central Library, The Hague as part of the Lunch break: Pecha Kucha event.
Facing Feelings
Chapter 1. Data as Drama
How does human emotion become techno-scientific knowledge? How does it feel to perform as/for data used to train algorithms for emotion AI technologies? In this filmic experiment, Cyan Bae invites musical theatre performer Inés Domínguez del Corral to engage with a dataset in a bodily manner.
15 June 2023, 12:00-13:00
Studio B (1st Floor)
Central Library (Centrale Bibliotheek)
Spui 68, 2511 BT Den Haag
Lunch break: Pecha Kucha
Each week, three surprising speakers talk about their projects and vision for AI technology.
A Pecha Kucha is a very short presentation of 20 slides. Each slide is discussed by a speaker for 20 seconds. Every week, you can listen to three different creatives, each engaged in their own way with AI technology. Of course, you can ask your questions after each presentation. Come by and be inspired at:
Thursday, June 8, 12:00 - 13:00, Studio B (1st floor)
Media artist Roos Groothuizen, multimedia maker Derk Over, and researcher Coert van Gemeren will talk about ethical choices in the use of technology and how AI assists in creating future aesthetics.
Thursday, June 15, 12:00 - 13:00, Studio B (1st floor)
Artist and AV designer Anna Fehres, artist and PhD candidate Cyan Bae, and musician Rafaele Andrade will discuss AI and emotion, and the integration of the digital and physical worlds.
Thursday, June 22, 12:00 - 13:00, Studio B (1st floor)
Interdisciplinary artist Nikzad Arabshahi, designer Tom Vincentie, and AI specialist Daan Alkemade will talk about collaboration with AI and the digitization of oneself.